Make Use of the Shade


Edwina / Published on May 21, 2013

Living in the city means access to great amenities, but as we mentioned yesterday, what you might have to compromise on is dashes of greenery. This doesn’t mean you can’t make use of your city garden, it just means you have to be more savvy about it! 
At Choiceful we like to lend a helping hand for any gardening situation you might find yourself in. 
With city living, you could find many benefits in plants that thrive on shade. It won’t matter that the sun is obstructed by the next block of flats, there are more than a few varieties of flowers you could paint your garden with.
Busy Lizzies (Encore North Shore Mix) are dainty little fuchsia flowers with bold green leaves supporting them. They are not fussed with the sun as they bloom in full and part shade, and just needs to be moist (also well drained) to live a healthy life.
Oregon Grape ‘Appollo’ has similar caring instructions, but golden yellow flowers sprout instead with deep green leaves that become purplish in winter.
Another flower that again is independent of the sun’s rays is the Fragrant Snowball. Like the name suggests, pink buds open in late spring to pink-tinged white flowers that emit a sweet scent. 
Striped Bloody Crane’s Bill and Lungwort ‘Lewis Palmer’ can be added to the bill, and the great thing about all of these are that they flourish in any type of soil. At Choiceful we have an array of soil you could choose from, so even though the plants mentioned above are versatile, you could sway your soil purchase to accommodate for your other plants. Our pots will provide a snug home for your plants, with a multitude of colours to colour match your garden.
If you’ve had any experience of city gardening and would like to share them, head over to our Facebook and Twitter pages to share your wisdom!

Search Tags: city, gardens, shaded plants, outdoors

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