- 18796169 - 151 Pest Shield Lavender Fragrance Cloths Moth Killer Hanging Cassette Multicolour PS0074
- 18785376 - 151 Pest Shield Move It Cat and Dog Repellent 240g PS0081
- 18801337 - 151 PestShield Cat and Dog Repellent Assorted 240g PS0081A
- 18781637 - 151 PestShield No More Foxes & Other Wildlife Effective Repellent Spray Ready to Use 1Ltr PS0048
- 18797497 - Acana Carpet and Fabric Fresh Linen Moth Killer and Freshner Spray White 500ml
- 18797825 - Acana Flying Insect Stopper White 200ml UKNG16EE
- 18797878 - Acana Fragranced Fabric Moth Killer and Freshener White 275ml 0209206
- 18785135 - Acana Spider And Crawling Insect Stopper 200ml
- 52432 - Bayer Garden Concentrated Animal Repellent - 2 X 50gm
- 52424 - Bayer Garden Ready To Use Cat-a-Pult - 1 Litre
- 18776536 - Bayer Garden Scat-a-Cat
- 18793965 - Bayer Garden Treats Up To 50Sqm Cat A Pult Animal Repellent Spray Multicolour 1Ltr L0630 1102
- 23432 - Bayer Pepper Dust 225g
- 24871 - Beacon Sonic Rodent Repeller
- 63433 - Bed Bug Mite & Bite Barrier Double Matt - ZER970
- 2270 - Bio Cat-A-Pult Animal Repellant Spray 750ml
- 690 - Bio Cat-A-Pult Ready To Use Animal Repellant
- 8145 - Bird Repeller Pack of 12 Spikes & 6 Clips
- 25402 - Black-spur Door Fly Screen Clear IK105
- 25401 - Blackspur 4 pcs Door Insect/Fly Curtain Screen
- 25344 - Blackspur Window Fly screen Black IK103
- 24120 - Cat Repellent 225Gm
- 12328 - Cat Repeller Adaptor
- 54852 - Defender Falcon Protect Bird Damage - STV942
- 54850 - Defenders Bird Shadow Window Stickers - Pack of 3
- 1936 - Defenders Repeller Ribbon Assorted 30Mtr STV922
- 54847 - Defenders STV618 Capsicum Chilli Squirrel Repellent - 500ml
- 63422 - Defenders Squirrel Repellent 750Ml - STV627
- 54857 - Defenders Wind Action Owl - STV965
- 54851 - Defenders Wind Powered Bird Scarer - STV924
- 33215 - Doff QEA00 Cat & Dog Repellent - 1 litre
- 33213 - Doff QFA00 Wild Life Repellent - 1 litre
- 90815 - Doff SQG450 Cat Repellent Gel - 450gm
- 18776532 - Doff Serrated Adhesive Slug and Snail Barrier Tape Copper 4Mtr x 2.3cm DP1020
- 15210 - Doff Socusil Slug Repellent 750ml
- 33236 - Doff Super Cat Repellent - 700g
- 18777365 - Doff Super Cat and Dog Repellent Granules Multicolour 1.5Kg DP1028
- 18781332 - Doff Tree Grease Band (2.2Mtr x 12cm) 4Mtr DPI054
- 18796989 - Ecozone Naturally Formulated Moth Repellent Spray White 500ml BUG2
- 23868 - Evo-Stik Pest-Stop High Powered Sonic Mole Repeller Assorted PS9000
- 18794019 - Foxolutions Easy to Apply Scoot Fox Repellent Sachets Multicolour 2 x 50g Pack of 2 MAPP 13960
- 16001 - Get Off My Garden Scatter Crystals 225g
- 16160 - Get Off Pet Repellent Gel Spray 500ml
- 23300 - Growing Success Animal Repellent 100gm
- 47707 - Growing Success Animal Repellent Green 100gm FZCM111J
- 13635 - Growing Success Bird Repellent 100g
- 18793369 - Growing Success Cat Repellent Pest spray Multicolour 225g FYFM107J
- 3929 - Growing Success Mole Repellent Assorted 100g FZCM110J
- 42022 - Growing Success RTU Squirrel Stop - 800ml
- 13639 - Growing Success Slug Barrier Adhesive Copper Tape 4Mtr
- 13632 - Growing Success Slug Stop Granules 800g
- 13636 - Growing Success Wild Animal Repellent 100g
- 64455 - Havahart 5265 Spray Away Motion Detector Sprinkler Animal Repellent
- 54854 - Heron Garden Ornament Bird Deterrent - STV955
- 98869 - JLS Supplies Insect Repellent Moth Balls - 100gm
- 5695 - Mole repeller
- 15459 - Moth Repellent Twin Pack
- 1917 - Mouse & Rat Repeller Pack of 4
- 1531 - No More Spiders 500ml
- 18780327 - No More Spiders Deterrent Spray 500ml
- 28629 - Octaviushunt Biofume Greenhouse Insect Repellent Deterrent
- 54855 - Owl Garden Ornament Bird Deterrent - STV963
- 18779316 - Pest Stop Pest Repeller For Large House PSIR-LH
- 18793396 - Pest Stop Repeller For One Room White and Grey PSIR-OR
- 18186 - Pest Stop Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
- 10899 - Pest Stop Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
- 13975 - Pest-Stop Pestclear Ultrasonic Pest Repeller
- 23296 - Pest-Stop Proffesional Cat Repeller
- 24316 - Pestclear High Powered Mole Repeller And Other Burrowing Animals
- 41332 - Prices Provence Insect Repellent - Garden Candles
- 51742 - Procter Pest Stop Bird Scarer Rods
- 42752 - Procter Pest-StopThree Single Pest Repellers - PSRSR3
- 53181 - Proteam PC1000 Ultrasonic Pest Repeller - Pack of 4
- 23776 - Proteam Prikka-Strip 4Mtr
- 52273 - Proteam Ultrasonic Pest Repeller With Built in Led Night Light - PC1001
- 18793964 - Protect Garden Cat A Pult Animal Repellent Concentrate Sachets Multicolour 50g Set of 2-Pcs 552945UKa
- 18793999 - Protect Garden Pepper Dust Animal Repellent Multicolour 225g 553916UKa
- 19983 - Rentokil Fly Repellent FF17
- 19980 - Rentokil Fly Repellent Small Space
- 18781160 - Rentokil Moth Balls White Pack of 20 RKLPSM97 | Kills Clothes Moths-Larvae and Eggs | Protects for Up to 3 Months | Ideal for Drawers and Wardrobes | Long-Term Protection | For Indoor Use
- 30471 - STV Anti Perching Bird Spikes Pack Multicolored 2Mtr STV900
- 76186 - STV Big Cheese Sonic Repeller and Easy to Set Traps White STV605
- 96918 - STV Defenders Prickle Strip Dig Stopper 2-Mtr STV628
- 27500 - STV Gotcha Repeller Bag 50L drawsting 10 Roll
- 27499 - STV Gotcha Repeller Bags Pedal Bin 25Roll
- 22422 - STV International Door Insect Curtain Charcoal Grey 100cm x 215cm 4Pk STV231
- 84310 - STV Natural Active Garlic Extract Cat Repellent Defenders- 500ml
- 54841 - STV STV330 Gotcha Repeller Bag - 30L Drawstring - 20 Per Roll
- 24793 - STV The Big Cheese Advanced Pest Repeller White and Copper STV789
- 24914 - STV The Big Cheese Citronella Lamp & Torch Oil 1Ltr
- 1964 - STV The Big Cheese Plug-In Mouse and Rat Sonic Repeller With New Push Button Tester White STV717
- 54863 - STV Zero-In Bed Bug And Mite Barrier Mattress - ZER971
- 54864 - STV Zero-In Bed Bug and Mite Barrier Pillows White ZER973
- 22231 - Salco 3 Tone Black/Grey Curtain 100cm x 200cm
- 18809 - Secto Keep Off Dog & Cat Repellent 300ml
- 15595 - Slug & Snail Repellent 300ml
- 18786184 - Solabiol Boltac Greasebands Yellow 550192UKA
- 12463 - Sonic Cat Repeller
- 18796081 - Stv International Doorway Insect Curtain With Fixing and Hanging Kit Black 100 x 125cm Set of 4-Pcs STV231
- 18793655 - Stv Zero-In Moth Balls Pack of 10 ZER436 | Protects Clothes and Bedding in Storage | Fresh Linen Fragrance | Last Up to 3 Months
- 23339 - The Big Cheese Bird Scarers - Twin Pack
- 25069 - The Big Cheese Cat & Dog Repeller
- 42445 - The Big Cheese Universal Repeller Adaptor - STV612
- 18800429 - Times Up Fresh Mint Scent Barrier Ready To Use Spider Repellent Spray Clear 500ml 57810
- 23990 - Ultra Sonic & Electromagnetic Professional Pest Repeller
- 21982 - Vapet Get Off Cat & Dog Repellent Spray 500ml
- 55498 - Vitax 5SO225 Scent Off Granules - 225gm
- 21006 - Vitax Garden Protect Stay Off Multicolored 150g 5ST150
- 15395 - Vitax Pepper Dust Assorted 225g 5PD1
- 15398 - Vitax Scent Off Gel 450g
- 37844 - Vitax Scent Off Gel Animal Repellent - 225g
- 15403 - Vitax Scent Off Pallets 55g Pack of 3
- 41334 - Westwood Citronella Garden Incense Sticks - Pack of 50
- 63981 - Zensect Lavender Fragrance Hanging Moth Proofer Orange Pack of 4 | Safety Control System | No Contact with Fabrics | No Stains | Suitable for all Fabrics
- 54866 - Zero-In Ready to Use Spider Repellent - 500ml