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Estimated Delivery Dates

Estimated delivery dates are guideline time-frames of when you are likely to receive your order from sellers on Marketplace.


At Marketplace we don’t get involved with the processing and shipping of your order and so offer our Sellers all the tools they need to keep you updated on the progress of your shipment. Our date ranges allow Sellers an agreed and sufficient period of time to get the item dispatched from their location and delivered to the customer’s door.


Under normal travel conditions and when your order will be dispatched from the same country as your delivery destination, i.e. both buyer and seller are based in the United States, our guidelines are detailed below:


  Standard Delivery Express Delivery
Dispatch 2 Days 1 Day
Delivery 7 Days 1 Day
Total Up to 9 Days Up to 2 Days


Our delivery estimates can change based on either information the seller provides or the most recent information provided by the carrier.


We calculate delivery dates from the time it takes to dispatch an order and for package to travel to the destination address.


To keep you updated we will send you an email once the package is on its way. If the carrier has provided tracking information we will also include this in the email.


Remember to login to your account to keep updated about the progress of your order, and it’s useful to know that nearly 93% of all orders either reach on or before the scheduled estimated dates.


International Seller Estimated Delivery Dates


Note: the total delivery time for orders placed using our Standard Shipping Service is normally up to 5 days longer compared to Express Shipping, provided the buyer and seller are based in the same location country. For shipments arriving from international locations our Estimated Dates are calculated including the additional delivery time your order will require.


Find out more about International Delivery

Dispatch and Delivery