- 15170 - Antiquax Brown Wax 200ml
- 15157 - Antiquax Brown Wax Furniture Polish 100ml BW100
- 18778251 - Antiquax Natural Beeswax Furniture Polish White 250ml RPM000593
- 15164 - Antiquax Original Furniture Wax Polish Spray Clear 250ml ANTQWA
- 15158 - Antiquax Original Wax Polish Clear 100ml SH0170017
- 15167 - Antiquax Original wax Polish 200ml
- 80414 - Antiquax Paste Wax Polish - 5 Litre
- 32970 - Antiquax Solid Wax Furniture Polish Brown 250ml
- 15161 - Antiquax Wax Polish Lavender 100ml LP100
- 3563 - Briwax Antique Mahogany Wax Stick
- 3819 - Briwax Antique Pine Wax Stick
- 23878 - Briwax Clear 2.5Ltr
- 28751 - Briwax Clear Wooden Floor Wax 2.5ltr BW2501000003
- 3312 - Briwax English Light Oak Wax Stick
- 3313 - Briwax English Mild Oak Wax Stick
- 3314 - Briwax English Walnut Wax Stick
- 3427 - Briwax Jacobean Wax Stick
- 3679 - Briwax Light Mahogany Wax Stick BW1701321836
- 718 - Briwax Natural Creamed Beeswax Brown 250ml
- 476 - Briwax Natural Creamed Beeswax Clear and Cream 250ml BW1901000010
- 48871 - Briwax Original Antique Brown Wax Polish - 5 Litre BW0303101205
- 2245 - Briwax Original Antique Mahogany Wax Polish 400g BW0502101421 | Cleans Stains and Polishes
- 48875 - Briwax Original Dark Oak Wax Polish - 5 Litre BW0303161305
- 12081 - Briwax Original Jacobean Wax Satin Clear 400g BW0502280321
- 18878 - Briwax Original Medium Brown Wax 2.5Ltr
- 48872 - Briwax Original Medium Brown Wax Polish - 5 Litre BW0303341905
- 2378 - Briwax Original Old Pine Wax 400g BW0502403621
- 2379 - Briwax Original Rustic Pine Wax 400g BW0502445621
- 48873 - Briwax Original Rustic Wax Polish Pine 5Ltr BW0303445605
- 1697 - Briwax Original Spanish Wax Mahogany 400g BW0502464721
- 24225 - Briwax Original Tudor Oak 400Gm BW0502143121
- 868 - Briwax Original Wax Antique Brown 400g BW0502101221
- 12383 - Briwax Original Wax Brown Medium 400g BW0502341921
- 24224 - Briwax Original Wax Polish Antique Pine 400g BW0502101521
- 48874 - Briwax Original Wax Polish Antique Pine 5Ltr BW0303101505
- 172 - Briwax Original Wax Polish Clear 400g BRWWPCL400
- 12382 - Briwax Original Wax Polish Clear 5Ltr BW0303000005
- 7234 - Briwax Original Wax Polish Honey 400g BW0501241521
- 869 - Briwax Original Wax Polish Walnut 400g BW0502540121 | Cleans Stains and Polishes
- 698 - Briwax Original Wax Teak 400g BW0501464821
- 675 - Briwax Original Wood Care Natural Wax Polish Dark Oak 400g BW0502161321 | Cleans-Stains and Polishes | Ideal for Furniture-Floors and Antiques
- 18791655 - Briwax Quick Dry Hard Wax Oil Clear Satin 1Ltr
- 3564 - Briwax Rustic Brown Wax Stick
- 5770 - Briwax Shellac Sanding Sealer Multicolour 500ml BW4801000000
- 18791671 - Briwax The Natural Wax Jacobean 5Ltr BW0303280305
- 18797217 - Briwax The natural Wax Original Silver Grey 400g BW0502542121
- 1380 - Briwax Wax Stick Natural BW1701360136
- 3315 - Briwax Yew Wax Stick Golden BW1701221636
- 1045 - Cambridge Traditional Beeswax Wooden Furniture Polish Brown 142g 5oz P4
- 5544 - Cambridge Traditional Products Bees Wax Blocks Pure Golden 25g W1
- 18908 - Cambridge Traditional Products Black Beeswax Sticks 16Pk 450g W1N
- 4542 - Colron Antique Pine Refined Beeswax 400g
- 4543 - Colron Georgian Medium Oak Refined Beeswax 400g
- 9720 - Colron Jacobean Dark Oak Refined Beeswax 400g
- 4544 - Colron Natural Refined Beeswax 400g
- 8989 - Colron Peruvian Mahogany Finish Refined Beeswax 400g
- 98796 - HG Terracotta Floor Wax Natural - 1 Litre
- 3141 - Johnson Wax Professional Traffic Liquid Wax 5Ltr
- 4956 - Liberon Antique Pine Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 5230 - Liberon Beeswax Clear 500ml 3905
- 13738 - Liberon Beeswax Paste With Pure Turpentine Clear 150ml 3911
- 96435 - Liberon Bison Victorian Wax Polish Black Mahogany 500ml 069968
- 13737 - Liberon Black Bison Antique Pine Fine Paste Wax 150ml
- 13731 - Liberon Black Bison Clear Fine Paste Wax 150ml
- 13735 - Liberon Black Bison Dark Oak Fine Paste Wax 150ml
- 13733 - Liberon Black Bison Georgian Mahogany Fine Paste Wax 150ml
- 13736 - Liberon Black Bison Medium Oak Fine Paste Wax 150ml
- 13732 - Liberon Black Bison Neutral Fine Paste Wax 150ml
- 13734 - Liberon Black Bison Victorian Mahogany Fine Paste Wax 150ml
- 96433 - Liberon Black Bison Wax Polish Georgian Mahogany 500ml 069969
- 4538 - Liberon Burnishing Cream Clear 250ml 14580
- 6218 - Liberon Burnishing Cream Multicolour 500ml 14581
- 4540 - Liberon Clear Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 10374 - Liberon Clear Floor Wax 5Ltr
- 4731 - Liberon Clear Liquid Beeswax 1Ltr 3871
- 6679 - Liberon Clear Liquid Beeswax 500ml
- 26724 - Liberon Clear Liquid Beeswax 5Ltr 3869
- 7230 - Liberon Clear Liquid Wax 500ml
- 4541 - Liberon Dark Oak Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 5815 - Liberon Dark Oak Liquid Wax 500ml
- 5816 - Liberon Georgian Mahagony Liquid Wax Assorted 500ml 3989
- 4350 - Liberon Georgian Mahogany Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 4955 - Liberon Georgian Pine Fine Paste Wax 500ml 4076
- 18792803 - Liberon Hard Wax Oil Clear Matt 1Ltr 0104466-01
- 18792804 - Liberon Hard Wax Oil Clear Satin 1Ltr 0104467-01
- 6680 - Liberon Liquid Wax Antique Pine 500ml 4037
- 18792801 - Liberon Liquid Wax Polish Black Bison Clear 500ml 0069959-01
- 18792802 - Liberon Liquid Wax Polish Black Bison Medium Oak 500ml 0069960-01
- 5812 - Liberon Maple Fine Paste Wax Assorted 500ml 4109
- 4178 - Liberon Medium Mahogany Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 4729 - Liberon Medium Oak Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 6681 - Liberon Medium Oak Liquid Wax 500ml
- 4730 - Liberon Neutral Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 6682 - Liberon Neutral Liquid Wax 500ml
- 4151 - Liberon Number Seven Wax Filler Stick Dark Mahogany 50g 14089
- 3950 - Liberon Number Ten Wax Filler Stick Dark Oak 50g 14092
- 18795902 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Beeswax Polish Victorian Mahogany 150ml 5010342
- 18795908 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Fine Paste Wax Polish Teak 500ml 5010341
- 18795910 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Fine Paste Wax Polish Yew 500ml O563
- 18795903 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Wax Polish Clear 500ml 5010334
- 18795904 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Wax Polish Dark Oak 150ml 5010338
- 18795905 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Wax Polish Golden Pine 500ml O560
- 18795906 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Wax Polish Medium Oak 150ml 5010337
- 18795907 - Liberon Silicone Free Black Bison Wooden Furniture Wax Polish Tudor Oak 500ml 5010339
- 11008 - Liberon Special Effects Liming Wax Assorted 250ml 3512
- 4958 - Liberon Spray Wax 400ml
- 6676 - Liberon Stripped Fine Paste Wax Pine 500ml 4254
- 5813 - Liberon Teak Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 4957 - Liberon Tudor Oak Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 3425 - Liberon Victorian Mahogany Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 6677 - Liberon Walnut Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 3952 - Liberon Wax Filler Number 00 Stick White 50g 14082
- 3951 - Liberon Wax Filler Stick Dark Yew 50g 14085 | For Interior Use Only
- 18779835 - Liberon Wax Polish Black Bison Dark Oak 500ml 5025I76
- 5545 - Liberon Wood and Cork Floor Wax Clear 1Ltr 4281
- 5814 - Liberon Yew Fine Paste Wax 500ml
- 85137 - Rentokil Classic Wax Furniture Polish 80g FC20
- 66047 - Ronseal 02583 Coloron Finishing Wax - 180gm
- 9730 - Ronseal Diamond Hard Floor Wax Natural 2.5Ltr 34960
- 18777146 - Ronseal Diamond Hard Protection Interior Wax Medium Oak 750ml 36880
- 18777141 - Ronseal Matt Finish Interior Wax Antique Pine 750ml 36882 | Diamond Hard Protection
- 18777145 - Ronseal Matt Finish Interior Wax Natural 750ml 36879 | Diamond Hard Protection
- 18777147 - Ronseal Matt Finish Interior Wax White Ash 750ml 36885 | Diamond Hard Protection
- 11013 - Ronseal Neutral Quick & Easy Brushing Wax 750ml
- 11579 - Ronseal Quick & Easy Beech Brushing Wax 750ml
- 10379 - Ronseal Quick & Easy Dark Oak Brushing Wax 750ml
- 17711 - Ronseal Quick & Easy Medium Oak Brushing Wax 750ml
- 10380 - Ronseal Quick & Easy Natural Liming Wax 750ml
- 18777144 - Ronseal Wax In Walnut 750ml 36883
- 18777143 - Ronseal Wax in Almond Wood 750ml 36886
- 18777148 - Ronseal Wax in Dark Oak 750ml 36881
- 18777142 - Ronseal Wax in Rustic Pine 750ml - 36884
- 54096 - Rustins BEESWAX Natural Beeswax - 250ml
- 18872 - Rustins Liquid Wax Assorted 250ml LIQW250
- 18777353 - Rustins Liquid Wax For All Fine Furniture White LIQW300
- 54116 - Rustins Liquid Wax White 125ml LIQW125
- 54093 - Rustins WPCL400 Premium Clear Wax - 400ml
- 54094 - Rustins WPMB400 Medium Brown Premium Wax - 400ml
- 54095 - Rustins WPRB400 Rustic Brown Premium Wax - 400ml
- 63411 - Stones Beeswax Furniture Cream STONES
- 2519 - Traditional Brown Beeswax Furniture Polish 283g