- alienation
- ambition
- boredom, ennui
- caring & caretaking
- cynicism
- degradation
- despair
- disillusionment
- egotism
- fanaticism
- fatalism
- fear
- forgiveness
- genius
- guilt
- hedonism
- hero worship
- heroism
- hope
- hypocrisy
- idealism
- loneliness
- machismo
- madness
- martyrdom
- memory
- misanthropy
- narcissism
- nostalgia
- obsession
- paranoia
- passion
- power
- redemption
- regret
- remorse
- resentment
- restlessness
- sacrifice
- self-realization
- snobbery
- survival
- vanity
- hatred
- revenge
- brutality & cruelty
- ambivalence
- angst
- controlling behavior
- grief, mourning
- melancholy
- nervous breakdown
- rebelliousness
- responsibility
- risk-taking
- rivalry
- Schadenfreude
- suffering
- Weltschmerz
- introversion, shyness
- greed
- charity, generosity
- envy
- faith
- gluttony
- pride
- anger
- courage
- desire
- innocence
- questing
- frailty
- happiness
- independence
- sensuality
- identity crises
- recklessness
- deception
- self-destructiveness
- shame
- self-righteousness
- ennobled by suffering
- escapism
- optimism
- thrill-seeking
- moral blindness
- burnt-out
- bearing witness
- imagination
- honor
- searching for home
- duty
- daydreams & fantasies
- empathy
- temptation
- pretentiousness
- charisma
- wisdom
- secret past
- competitiveness
- serenity, calmness, peace of mind
- insecurity
- evil
- delusions of grandeur
- moral corruption
- honesty
- metamorphoses
- coming out of the closet
- rootlessness
- abuse, psychological
- decadence
- fetishism
- homesickness
- quiet desperation
- Others Human Qualities & Behavior