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Everbuild Firefoam B2 Hand Grade Aerosol White 750ml B2FIREHAN

  • £14.43 + Free delivery

    RRP: £27.68 | You save: £13.25(47.87)%

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Product Description

Everbuild EVBB2FIREHAN firefoam b2 is a quick-setting one part polyurethane foam with fire resistant properties. The foam expands on application to up to 50 times its original volume and meets the requirements of din 4102 part 1 for construction materials; class b2. Once cured, the foam can be cut, sawn or plastered over after only one hour providing the working temperatures can and surfaces are between plus 5 to plus 25 degrees Celsius ideally 20 degrees Celsius. This product has a high degree of fire rating: it slows down the passage of flames and smoke in comparison to standard b3 grades. This product is hand operated and is ideal for filling areas such as gaps around pipe entries through fire-rated walls, to provide a fire-rated seal around window and door frames, electrical wire chasing prior to plastering, where a fire rating is required, deep joints prior to applying sealant or plaster as well as irregular gaps in stone, brick, concrete or plaster. It is also suitable for insulating behind cladding to exterior walls, behind soffit and barge boards and even in automotive applications.

Key Features

High degree of fire rating. Slows down the passage of flames and smoke. Quick setting-can be cut, sawn or plastered in one hour. Economical in use. Fills irregular and broad gaps where most conventional fillers would fail. Everbuild Firefoam B2 Handheld is a quick setting one part polyurethane foam with fire resistance properties. The foam expands on application to up to 50 times its original volume and meets the requirements of DIN 4102 Part 1 for Construction Materials and BS476 Part 20. Fire rated up to 2 hours in certain joint configurations. Fire retardent properties. Quick curing or drying. For PVCu, plastic, brick, stone. Concrete, metals, timber. Manufactured from high quality materials. Easy to use. Premium quality. Great value for money.

Delivery Information

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Ships in original Packing: This item ships in its original manufacturers packaging. There will be shipping labels attached to the outside of the package. Please mark this item as a gift during checkout (if available) if you do not wish to reveal the contents.

Technical Details

Boxed-Product Weight: 750.00g

Quick Code: QCHO050701

Delivery Destinations: Visit the Delivery Destinations Help page to see where this item can be delivered. Find out more about our Delivery Rates and Returns Policy

Item model number: B2FIREHAND

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