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Volume Sellers

If you have an inventory of more than 50 listings you are considered a volume seller on

In order to make listing products easier, use our use our “Bulk Upload Inventory” feature you’ll find this in “My Account” under “Manage Listings”. Download the sample file template and upload your data in the same format either as a text or CSV file.

This method can also be used as a quick way of refreshing your data regularly and making sure all the important details relating to pricing, quantity available etc are correct.

All volume sellers are sent an automated email every 30-days as part of our effort to ensure all data on is kept up to date.

Note: It can take up to 24 hours for bulk listings to appear in the “Manage Listings” section. Once your bulk listings are approved we’ll send you an email confirmation. However, if you are refreshing data already on your account it would normally take an hour.

Choiceful Marketplace