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Marketplace Buyer’s Guide Marketplace

Links to our sellers are located on our product information pages. To review the listings and place an order, just click the “Sellers name” link on the product information page. This link will take buyers to all of our information for Marketplace sellers for that product. Click the "Add to Shopping Basket" button to place an item in your shopping cart. Once you have completed the order process, the seller receives notification along with your shipping address. The seller will then ship the item directly to you and handle all customer service for this product. is not directly involved in the completion of your order. You will need to contact the seller directly if any issues arise with your Marketplace order. Seller's can be contacted from “My Account” and by following the “Contact Sellers” link. will only mediate disputes or contact sellers on behalf of buyers should they have difficulty with the seller, please read our Buy-With-Confidence Guarantee.

Buyer's Safety will charge your credit card. does not pass along any credit card information to the seller neither do we store any financial information regarding your purchase method, please read our Security Policy for more information.

Paying Your Marketplace Seller

When a buyer makes a Marketplace purchase, buyers will pay the seller using their account. All Marketplace purchases must be made with a valid credit or debit card or Gift Certificate. will charge your cards, but we never pass along any credit card information to sellers.

Marketplace Shipping Times

When you order a Marketplace item, sellers ship items within one to two business days of the completed order, depending on the shipping method selected. Shipping times for Marketplace items are as follows:

Standard Shipping: 5 to 9 business days

Express Shipping: 2 to 3 business days

Note: For International sellers these times are variable depending on location of the seller for more information visit Standard Shipping and Express Shipping.

If you have any questions regarding your Marketplace shipment we ask that you contact the seller directly. The seller's contact information can be found in the order detail located in your My Account.

Marketplace Shipping Charges

Marketplace sellers set their own shipping charges and vary from seller to seller.

Changing Marketplace Orders

Marketplace orders can be changed in “My Account”. Sellers will be handling all aspects of the order process. Once a Marketplace order is submitted buyers are unable to change the billing information, shipping address, or delivery method.

If the shipping address is not correct, buyers will need to cancel the order. The seller's email is located on the order detail page located in the My Account area.

Canceling a Marketplace Order

Sellers will be handling all aspects of order fulfillment. If you wish to request to have an order canceled, it must not have been dispatched. Click here for instructions on how to cancel an order.

Contacting Your Marketplace Seller

The seller will be handling all aspects of your Marketplace order. If you have questions regarding your shipment or item, please contact the seller directly. Communicating with the seller through is easy, and can allow you to deal with problems relating to your order more securely. Select “Contact Seller” in My Account to send an email.

Marketplace Returns

Customers need to submit a Returns request to the seller. You can do this using the “Return Items” tab located in My Account. If buyers and sellers are unable to resolve an issue, you can login to your My Account to “File a Claim” under the terms of our Buy-With-Confidence Guarantee.

Marketplace Refunds

Any seller who is unable to ship an item, has the ability to issue a full or partial refund from for the buyer.

Once the request is submitted, the buyer receives an email confirmation from The funds will be refunded back to the payment method the buyer used to make the purchase.

Rating Sellers

All Marketplace sellers have a ratings page which can be viewed from the seller's listings page. This page contains the ratings of previous customers of this seller, and will give buyers valuable feedback regarding a seller.

Once a buyer has completed a transaction with a Marketplace seller the buyer is encouraged to leave ratings and feedback for this seller. From the My Account page, a buyer can select the Marketplace order that he/she would like to leave ratings.

Seller ratings cannot be altered. We ask that you resolve issues with your seller in advance of leaving feedback.

Marketplace Guarantee Claim

Buyers should receive Marketplace items in the condition that they were listed. We ask buyers to first contact the seller to give them a chance to address any issues. If the seller does not respond or if the issue is not addressed to the customer's satisfaction buyers can rely on our Marketplace Guarantee which covers every purchase.

Buyers are eligible to submit a Guarantee claim if:

  1. Buyer never received the item purchased.
  2. Buyer received a different item than the one purchased.
  3. The item received was materially different than what was listed.

If a buyer and a seller are unable to amicably resolve a dispute with an order, we recommend that the buyer file a Marketplace Guarantee Claim.

Buyers can submit claims from their My Account area. Once a claim has been submitted, the buyer will receive a confirmation email and the claim will be researched. Guarantee refunds will be issued to the buyer’s payment method used for the original purchase. 

Choiceful Marketplace